Cherry Blossom Road

Cherry Blossoms, Cherry Blossom Craft, Spring, Easy Crafts, Dollar Tree Crafts, Cheap Crafts, Coloring, Potato Flakes, Potato Crafts, DIY Cherry Blossoms

Hi friends,

We’re starting to see signs of spring! We’re fortunate to have cherry blossom trees near us too with beautiful pink petals. A few days back we had a bit of a windy day and we got to witness the pink petals blow across us! It was exciting to witness the delicate petals, they’re like nature’s confetti!

With that in mind, we’re bringing you cherry blossom trees, with dyed potato flake blossoms, in a city or countryside setting. Check out our cherry blossom roads below.

*Click on photos for a closer look


What You'll Need

  1. White Construction Paper

  2. 1/8 Cup Cup Potato Flakes

  3. (2) Small Containers

  4. Pink Food Gel + 2 tsp Water OR Neon Pink Food Dye + 3 tsp Water

  5. Toothpick

  6. Glue

  7. Colored Pencils


The Steps


Photo 3: pink gel(preferred) Photo 4: neon pink dye

  1. Mix your food coloring: 1 tsp water + 1 drop of pink food gel OR 3 tsp water + 1 drop of neon pink food dye, in the 1st container.

  2. Place your 1/8 cup of flakes into the 2nd container.

  3. Mix your flakes & dye: (pink gel) pour all your water mix into the 2nd container with the flakes and mix with the toothpick, OR (neon dye) pour ONLY 1 tsp of the neon dye mixture into the flakes and mix with the toothpick.

4. For either of the roads, turn the paper horizontally, draw 2 lines with a grey or brown colored pencil, about 7 inches apart at the bottom, and 1 inch apart at the top.

5. Color in the roads.

6. Draw trees along the sides of the roads, starting with larger trees up front and smaller trees as the road gets narrower.

7. Draw the trees and other details-

City Road: Draw sidewalks, tree openings(rectangles), and green grass, plants/flowers, or hedges on both sides.

Dirt Road: Draw wild grass, plants, flowers, and/or a body of water in the background.

Optional: drawing skies, buildings, animals, other details.

8. Use the glue stick on the branches, near the trees, and on the road, then sprinkle the pink petals(flakes). Press down if necessary. The flakes may be a little moist still, but they’ll dry with the glue in about 10 minutes.

That’s it!

City road with dainty petals on the trees and across the road.

Dirt road with taller trees in full bloom and wild grass.


Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi


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