Goodbye/Hello Year- Activity

Hi Friends,

This is the last post of the year! We started sharing these crafts mid-February and now the year is about to be over, like in hours. We’re shocked by how fast time flew, thankful for the opportunity, and can’t wait to bring more fun activities. On a personal level, a new year means my babies are getting older, new activities are done and memories are made. Even though we’ve never been much of the “New Year’s resolution” kind of people, for the last 11 years & during each December, we talk about the great things that happened that year, what we accomplished, and what we’re thankful to put behind us. As the kids have gotten older we’ve included them too, it helps them be aware, feel appreciation and look forward to the future. Typically on New Year’s Eve, we’ll talk about what we hope for in the coming year and what we intend to accomplish. Today’s activity put those 2 ideas into practice and creates a visible reminder.

Whether you’re into New Year’s resolutions or not, it’s a great way to see where you’ve “been” and where you’re “going”. It’s a way for you and your kiddos to remember the great things you’ve accomplished, the fun had, the difficult moments endured/overcome and everything hoped for. It’s also something you can do each year and keep for future reference. Check it out, it’s SUPER EASY!

*Click on photos for closer look

What You'll Need

  1. Print Out

  2. Color Pencils or Crayons


The Steps

  1. Print out the sheet.

  2. On the GOODBYE line fill in the current year.

  3. On the HELLO line fill in the next year.

4. Color the graphics and the letters or leave as is.

Naomi added moon craters for fun.

I added more color, Naomi kept hers subtle.

5. Write the fun and/or difficult things you experienced this year on the upper portion.

6. Write the things you’re looking forward to or hope to accomplish on the lower portion.

That’s it!

Happy crafting and Happy New Year!

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft click on photo submission and submit the photo