MLK: "My Dream For The World" Sheet

Hi Friends,

Today we have a super easy activity, with only a few supplies needed. You’ll need a print out, some color pencils and a little time to help your littles with the question. What is your dream for the world?

Mr. King had a dream, part of it was for equality, justice, and brotherhood. He made a huge impact on history by working tirelessly toward that realization and speaking up at each opportunity. We too get to work towards a better world, by taking every chance to show kindness, compassion, and care to everyone we meet. Right?! Check out the activity below.

*Click on photos for closer look


What You'll Need

  1. Print Out (download for full size)

  2. Color Pencils

  3. Pencil

    optional: Napkin, Markers


The Steps

  1. Print the sheet- If you print as is, your world will be about 1/2 inch smaller, download for larger size.

  2. Use color pencils to color in the hands and the land.

    We used 3 greens to color the land for color variance.

  3. optional: use a napkin to soften the edges of the color pencils and blend together.

4. Color in the water with one color or multiple.

Naomi chose to color the ocean in sections with different blues, I followed the lines and worked darkest to lightest.

5. Blend the blues if you’d like.

6. Answer the question at the bottom in pencil and trace with a pen or marker if you’d like.

Lastly, if you’d like, add a small drawing of something that represents your dream, in the left hand.

That’s it!

Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft click on photo submission and submit the photo