NYE Fireworks Photo Prop

Hi friends,

We hope you all had a great Christmas! Although the Christmas celebrations are over, we’re still in the spirit of Christmas over here and continue so for a few more weeks lol. Today, we’ll mail out our Thank You cards for family, and then MAYBE by mid-Jan, take down our Christmas. We’ll see how we feel. This week though, 2020 comes to an end. Hopefully, we’ll all get a fresh start and anticipate good things. It’s been a difficult year for many but we’re finishing it off with lots to be thankful for and ending our crafting year with this super easy NYE Photo Prop. It just takes paper plates, paint, brushes, straws, and glue; check it out below!

*Click on photos for closer look


What You'll Need

  1. Paper Plates

  2. Black Craft Paint + Other Colors

  3. Paint Brushes

  4. Straws

  5. Glue Gun

    Optional: Newspaper/Table Cover, Rinse Cup, Paint Tray


The Steps


Micah was my crafting buddy this week, so I did all the prep work for him.

  1. Glue the straws to the back of the plates.

2. Paint the front of the plates black with wide brush for a quicker process, let dry.

3. Squirt some paint onto a paint tray or paper plate.

4. With thin brushes make curved strokes like the lines on fireworks.

5. Use multiple colors or just one and make multiple starbursts.

6. Leave space for any of these sayings:

HAPPY NEW YEAR!, *2021!, *BYE 2020 HELLO 2021, or a saying of your choosing. A fuller brush works nicely for the bigger letters.

*In future years just swap these out for updated ones.

Micah’s firework starbursts = ) I added 2021 to his.

Some of these look like flowers haha

Wishing you the best this coming year,

from our family and everyone at AAH, HAPPY 2021!


Happy crafting and Happy New Year friends!

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft and let us see it! Click on photo submission and submit the photo.