Handprint Elves

Hi friends,

Did you know that two paint colors, an upside-down handprint, and some markers could easily create an elf? It’s that easy! Choose the colors you like for the cap, dress your elves in suspender shorts/pants, & adorable elf shoes, and then create a fun winter scene in the background. Check out our cute handprint elves below!

*Click on photos for a closer look


What You'll Need

  1. White Paper

  2. Paint & Brushes

  3. Rinse Jar

  4. Wipes or Wash Rag

  5. Markers

    Optional: Table Cover


The Steps



  1. Decide if you’d like your elves standing on a horizontal or vertical(allows more room for the body) page.

  2. Paint the thumb and most of the palm 1 color(hat), then with a 2nd color (beard) paint ONLY the top 2 sections of the remaining fingers.

  3. Press your right hand on the lower left side of the paper or your left hand on the upper right side, to have the cap facing the outer edge. Repeat again with the opposite hand.

4. Turn the page upside down and loosely trace the hat with a matching marker. Paint a pom-pom or draw it on, at the end of the hat.

5. With a matching marker trace the beard and connect it to the hat.


1. Add the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and cheeks.

2. Draw the body: shirt, hands, suspender pants/shorts, and elf shoes.

3. Last, create your setting/background.

That’s it!

You can choose any color for the hat and the outfit. And you get really creative with the setting.

Aren’t these little guys cute?


To share: take a photo of your craft and let us see it! Click on photo submission and submit