Spirit Day Polka Dots

Polka dot self portrait and coloring sheet

Hi friends,

We’re continuing our Spirit Day theme this week! This time my littles joined me for some polka dot fun. With our simple activity, we got to achieve a wacky polka dot look. So grab our printable sheet, colored pencils, glue, and confetti, to easily create your own polka dot outfit! Check out our spirit day look with polka dots below.


What You'll Need

  1. Spirit Day Printout

  2. Pencil

  3. Colored Pencils

  4. Colored Paper

  5. Glue

  6. Hole Punch

    Optional: Confetti


The Steps

  1. Draw a head, hair, face, arms, and legs.

  2. Color everything in. The feet are covered in socks but you could easily convert them into shoes.

Micah and I kept ours pretty simple, Matthias added crazy hair to his and long sleeves.

You can use confetti or create your own with a hole punch and paper.

3. *Make your polka dots with the hole punch and your paper of choice.

4. Add glue to your outfit and press the confetti down.

That’s it!

*You can omit the confetti and draw the polka dots instead.

The littles and I had fun with our polka dot outfits : )


Happy crafting!

Amanda and Naomi

To share: take a photo of your craft and let us see it! Click on photo submission and submit