Fall Oil Pastel Leaves

Hi friends,

Are you seeing lots of color changes yet? We’re starting to see some, but most importantly, one of my favorite trees in our backyard is changing and I LOVE IT! Our large fall oil pastel leaves are simple to make, use various colors, and require your crisscrossed handprints! Check them out below.

*Click on photos for a closer look


What You'll Need

  1. White Construction Paper

  2. Pencil

  3. Oil Pastels

  4. T-Tips/Cotton Balls


The Steps

  1. Angle your paper slightly and place your left hand on the right side.

  2. Trace the bottom of the palm, around the thumb, and pointer finger, then stop at the top of the middle finger.

  3. Repeat the same steps on the left side of the page, this time tracing your right hand (bottom palm, thumb, pointer & middle finger).

  4. From the middle finger on both sides, draw a connecting piece/peak and at the bottom add a stem.

5. Trace the leaf in brown/black, draw veins, and add color. I added stripes of oranges, red, yellow, pinks, and eventually some green.

6. Naomi traced her leaf in brown and swirled all her colors onto her leaf(below).

7. Blend the colors with your fingers, t-tips, and/or cotton balls in horizontal sweeps or swirling motion. Darken the veins if necessary after blending.

That’s it!

The most effort will go into the blending, but you’ll end up with beautiful shades of color.


Happy crafting

Amanda and Naomi

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