Kung Fu Panda: Master Shifu

Hi friends,

We’re continuing our KUNG FU PANDA theme and bringing you Master Shifu- the highly respected kung fu master and mentor in Kung Fu Panda. As we mentioned last week, the newest movie releases in a few months, so we’re working through a few of the characters in honor of that. We’ll show you how to create the face, followed by the body and the tail. Check out Kung Fu Panda: Master Shifu below.

*Click on photos for a closer look

What You'll Need


  1. (1)Light Brown & (1)White Construction Papers

  2. White Paper Plate

  3. Pencil

  4. Colored Pencils

  5. Black & White Pens

  6. Scissors

  7. Glue


  1. (1)Ivory/Tan, White, Light Brown, Green Construction Papers

  2. Ruler

  3. Pencil

  4. Black & White Pens

  5. Colored Pencils

  6. Scissors

  7. Glue

The Steps


  1. Draw a wide rounded line about 3/4th down from the top of the plate (face). If you plan to make the body as well, use the bottom section to draw a jelly bean shape about 4.5 inches wide with a slight bend(tail). Then cut the sections out, reserve the tail for later.

  2. Turn the brown paper horizontally, fold it in half, and cut.


  1. Fold 1 section of brown paper into fourths, unfold it once, trace your thumb(nose) on the upper corner of the section, draw a curved teardrop on the same section(eye patches), then a dome(ears) on the bottom section.

  2. Cut out the ears, eye patches, and 1 nose.

3. Turn your white paper vertically, fold over a 2-inch section, and draw a wide eye(2 inches wide). Then trace the glue stick end (iris) and pen(pupil).

4. Use the black pen and colored pencils to color the eyes.

5. Use the rest of the white folded strip to create a long, narrow, slightly curved hair strand(mustache) and an upside-down squiggly triangle(beard), then color 2 dark brown horizontal lines(bands).

6. Cut out the mustache and 1 beard, then cut narrow strips on both ends, leaving a section near the smaller band uncut. Save the extra paper for the body.


  1. Glue the brown patches, eyes, mustache, and nose, then draw the mouth.

  2. With the white pen add thin hair to the ears and dots to the nose. With the dark brown pencil add shading around the eyes and outline the mouth. Then with the tan colored pencil add hair between the eyes.

  3. Glue the beard, on overlapping some of the strips a bit and glue on the ears.

  4. With the pencil, outline the eye patch's upper part and create long eyebrows extending around the side of the eyes.

    That’s it!

    The body is below.


  1. Turn your brown paper vertically, then line your ruler with the left side of the paper and draw a 6-inch vertical line(side of clothing). Starting from the left edge and at the 2-inch mark, draw a 4-inch horizontal line(bottom hem), then draw a 1.5-inch wide leg. Lastly draw a rounded shoulder at the top, and a slightly bent arm a bit below it, connecting to the starting point/line.

  2. Slightly fold your paper in half, hold it firmly, and cut out the outer edges and around the leg.


  1. Place the body over the green paper, trace the left shoulder & arm, between the legs, to the right of the right leg and right side of the body.

2. Use the ruler to connect the arm to the bottom hem and the left shoulder to the side of the body, then cut out.

3. With pencil/pen draw a *V-neck, the stitching around the right arm, the folds in the sleeve, a line from the armpit down the side of the body, and the stitching around the drape, then glue the drape on.

*optional- cut a V out and glue a white piece of paper from behind.


  1. Cut(2) 1.5 by 1.5-inch squares from the ivory/tan paper and glue onto the legs (sandal straps).

  2. Cut the outer corners of the feet, add soles with the black pen, use a light brown/tan pencil to color the feet, a dark brown pencil to draw toenails, and a white pen to add the strap between the toes.

  3. Use the light brown/tan pencil to color thick stripes onto the tail, then glue the tail at an angle and the head right above the V-neck.

That’s it!

Check out Kung Fu Panda Po and Zhen Fox!

Happy crafting

Amanda and Naomi

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